--message-file NO --message-file SPECIFIED FILE DOES NOT EXIST --plain-text-message NO --plain-text-message SPECIFIED FILE DOES NOT EXIST --subject-line-file NO --subject-line-file SPECIFIED FILE DOES NOT EXIST NO --from-address SPECIFIED NO --to-address-file SPECIFIED NO --from-first SPECIFIED NO --from-last SPECIFIED --url_file NO --url_file SPECIFIED FILE DOES NOT EXIST NO --index-first-recipent SPECIFIED NO --index-last-recipent SPECIFIED Help : -h --help : Shows this help -m --message-file : file to send as message content -z --plain-text-message : file to send as plain text message content -s --subject-line-file : file containing text with subject line -t --to-address-file : csv, file containing to addresses and names -f --from-address : addrees to used as from address -a --from-first : first name for from field -b --from-last : last name for from field -u --url-file : filename specifying which urls are to be replaced -e --index-first-recipent : row number of first address to use -l --index-last-recipent : row number of last address to use